Tuesday 8 October 2013


In your opinion, What makes a life 'dignified'? As an individual, how can we practise dignity to shape our world.


  1. Giving Respect and Love to others whether they are rich or poor makes not only our lives but others life dignified too. We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same, treating everyone with respect and dignity. Treating everyone the way we want to be treated will not only shape our world but others too. :)

  2. dignity means respect to behave well to be disciplined

  3. Respect given from one person to another

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. In my opinion giving respect and getting respected makes a life dignified.As and individual we can practice dignity by helping other people, gaining their respect and giving respect to those who deserve it.

  6. HUSTLE,LOYALTY AND RESPECT.We can practice by giving everyone equal amount of respect and loyalty.:)

  7. Respecting others and caring for them makes life dignified. We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same like brothers and sisters.

  8. save the trees.don't throw wrappers on the floor.save the earth.

  9. In my opinion diginty Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected,whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  10. Dignity is about giving respect to others or being respected. Fundamental Rights is a good example of dignity.

  11. Treat everyone equal whether he is poor or rich

  12. In my opinion Dignity should be for everyone.

  13. To stay calm, behave well, be well mannered and to give respect and gain respect is the way to make our life dignified. Being dignified is easy and we can practice it by creating equality among people , by respecting each other and by developing love and calmness between each other. Happy Dignity Day! Stay Dignified.
    sarahmusani VIII-F

  14. In my opinion giving respect and getting respect makes a life DIGNIFIED.As an individual we should help poor people

  15. In my opinion living a dignified life is really important as it helps to keep our world in shape by respecting each other,caring and loving one another.
    Dignity is very important because it helps in our relationships and in understanding each other and dignity shows your way to live a better and respectful life.

  16. Dignity is to give respect and love to others. Also give respect to make our life dignified. To be loyal and respectful with each other is a great example of dignity.

  17. In my opinion giving respect and giving love to everyone makes our life dignified.As an individual we can make our life respectful by giving respect

  18. you live only once so live with dignity and respect

  19. Dignity” is a word we hear often in a variety of contexts. And while we all probably think we know what dignity means, there seems to be a lot of disagreement about what constitutes dignity and what does not.

  20. in my opinion dignity is all about giving respect.we should treat people equal whether they are rich or poor.and we should save our earth

  21. A dignified life means an opportunity to fulfill one's potential.We can practice dignity by respecting and taking care of the world.

  22. Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, legal, and political discussions to signify that a being has an innate right to be valued and receive ethical treatment. It is an extension of the Enlightenment-era concepts of inherent, inalienable rights. Dignity is often used in prescriptive and cautionary ways: for example in politics it is usually used to critique the treatment of oppressed and vulnerable groups and peoples, but it has also been extended to apply to cultures and sub-cultures, religious beliefs and ideals, animals used for food or research, and plants. Dignity also has descriptive meanings pertaining to human worth, although there is no exact or agreed upon definition of this worth. In general, the term has various functions and meanings depending on how the term is used and on the context.

    1. copy and pasted from google

  23. Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED. As an individual we can dignify our life by giving respect to those who are poor and can not effort things like we do have. We should donate things to make the world dignify and can gain respect by respecting others

  24. in my opinion the caring for others and respecting for others the life can be dignified and we can practice dignity by giving respect to others and by treating every one equal and by saving our earth and making it beautiful.

  25. the world dignity day is consportant to be the worlds most heavy weighted world happiness

  26. dignity basically refers to self-respect,as on this day we should treat our lower staff in a respected way and should make them feel very special<3

  27. i think that caring for others & respect for others life is a good dignified

  28. In my opinion diginty we should care for the poor people and junior staff of the school. We should give respect to others.And We should treat people equally wheather he is rich or poor.

  29. dignity is usually is giving respect to others i think that caring for others life is good dignity

  30. In my opinion equally treating and respecting others enables us to lead a dignified life. We can show dignity by treating others like we want to be treated and not constantly degrading them.

  31. to me dignity means that to be kind and help others.and have respect for others.and we should not be racist and we should have a good behavior with our lower staff.

  32. on dignity day we should equally treat every one and should show some respect towards them =D love them and RESPECT THEM :)

  33. In my opinion diginty Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected,whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  34. this day is what should be celebrated because of respect to the labor. we should respect them take care of them and make them feel respectful. the world is round and it has it's ups and downs we should try to follow the right path respect the poor and the labor and the poor.

  35. the world dignity day is consportant to be the worlds most heavy weighted world happiness.it means to respect the lower staff

  36. the world dignity means that we should respect other like are junior staff and caring of them and we should help in their works is good dignity.

  37. dignity means to not be racist and help other,not mind what religion and what class they have

  38. Dignity day means that we should be kind respect other Giving. Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life dignified. As an individual we can dignify our life by giving respect to those who are poor and can not effort things like we do have.

  39. giving respect to anyone poor or rich and to love them and making others life dignified.We can practise dignity by treatin every one same

  40. Dignity day is a day,where we respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way.We should not look at the conflicts,that are between us but live together with peace,love and respect.In a day and age where there is so much conflict in the world (between cultures, religions, generations,classes, and more) there is a great need for broad agreement on something unifying, something that encourages and even grows a sense of community. That something is Dignity!We should follow these perspectives everyday,not only one day.

  41. dignity day is to give respect , which is also favoured in our Islam,and we should care for others also.
    Hassan Saeed

  42. In my opinion diginty Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected,whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  43. i think dignity is the rights of people and treating them good. we should respect our maids, drivers, guards and all those people who works day and night but have no except.

  44. dignity means to respect lower cast and to respect them.we should always try to be kind with them and pursuit them.

  45. dignity day is a respectful day . on dignity day every one have their own rights.we should be respectful to everyone we should celebrate dignity day

  46. Dignity is to give respect to those who are less privileged. We should greet them with a smile on our face. It can make their day enjoyable and their prayers God always listens to. That is why the prayers of those people are always answered.

  47. In my opinion Dignity is that we should respect the workers and junior staff. who works for us and helps us . we should treat them in good ways. we should make them feel very special .We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  48. We should love everyone around us,show dignity to the world and make it a better place to live. We should respect everyone, not only to the people who are of our standards.
    Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Everyone one is equal, so people should be treated equally.Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED. We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same, treating everyone with respect and dignity.

  49. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected,whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  50. dignity means to respect lower cast and to respect them.we should always try to be kind with them and pursuit them.

  51. dignity is important for us and we should respect dignity in our life

  52. A good person has many qualities like respectful,helpful and other deeds that a good person performs in his life.we should be honorful and respectful to or teachers and other inspirations.

  53. dignity is that we should give respect to the people like workers & junior staff.we should respect the same who are poor & richer.we should treat them in the same way as we treat our relatives & above of all this is to show equality.

  54. Dignity is to give respect to those who are less privileged. We should greet them with a smile on our face.

  55. Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of their diversity, as valued individuals. When dignity is absent people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort. They may lack confidence and be unable to make decisions for themselves. They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  56. dignity means the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. we should give honer to ur adults who are even sweepers but they help us keep a clean and healthy.
    we should even respect those who are mentally ill.Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row.
    We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same, treating everyone with respect and dignity. Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED.

  57. A Dignified Life provides professional assistance in contacting appropriate specialists and services for a wide variety of elder care and other traumatic situations.to have a dignified life we should care for everyone and belive that everyone is equal.we should practice to treat everyone nicely.

  58. Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected, whether that person is an innocent unborn child in a mother’s womb, whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  59. *When dignity is present people feel in control, valued, confident, comfortable and able to make decisions for themselves.

    *When dignity is absent people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort. They may lack confidence and be unable to make decisions for themselves. They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it. Everyone has equal worth as human beings and must be treated as if they are able to feel, think and behave in relation to their own worth or value.

    "Don't lose your dignity and self-respect trying to make people love and appreciate yon, when they just aren't capable."

  60. Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected, whether that person is an innocent unborn child in a mother’s womb, whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  61. Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of their diversity, as valued individuals. When dignity is absent people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort. They may lack confidence and be unable to make decisions for themselves. They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  62. Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, legal, and political discussions to signify that a being has an innate right to be valued and receive ethical treatment. It is an extension of the Enlightenment-era concepts of inherent, inalienable rights. Dignity is often used in prescriptive and cautionary ways: for example in politics it is usually used to critique the treatment of oppressed and vulnerable groups and peoples, but it has also been extended to apply to cultures and sub-cultures, religious beliefs and ideals, animals used for food or research, and plants. Dignity also has descriptive meanings pertaining to human worth, although there is no exact or agreed upon definition of this worth. In general, the term has various functions and meanings depending on how the term is used and on the context.

  63. We all have a right to live a dignified life.Everyone is equal and we have equal rights so everyone should be treated fairly.We should respect,honor and keep discipline in our society. We should all unite and work together giving rights to each other.We should never treat anyone badly because we all are ONE.

  64. Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of their diversity, as valued individuals.
    We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same, treating everyone with respect and dignity. Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED.

  65. Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of their diversity, as valued individuals. When dignity is absent people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort. They may lack confidence and be unable to make decisions for themselves. They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  66. Dignity means to respect others and they give respect to our and we should live kind with them and in any time we help him.,.......!!!!!!!!

  67. dignity means respect to behave well to be disciplined

  68. A dignified life means an opportunity to fulfill one’s potential, which is based on having a human level of health care, education and security.

  69. Dignity is the self respect of people.if digmity is presnt people feel in control and confident.They make their own decisions.
    We should respect people as every person has its own Dignity

  70. In my opinion Dignity is that we should respect the workers and junior staff. who works for us and helps us . we should treat them in good ways. we should make them feel very special .We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  71. Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected.dignity means that everyone gets the right to live a free life and they should have the right to do whatever they want to do.We should respect people who cannot afford to live a dignified life.

  72. In a day and age where there is so much conflict in the world (between cultures, religions, generations, socioeconomic classes, and more) there is a great need for broad agreement on something unifying, something that encourages and even grows a sense of community. That something is dignity.

  73. dignity means the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. we should give honer to ur adults who are even sweepers but they help us keep a clean and healthy.
    we should even respect those who are mentally ill.Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row.
    We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same, treating everyone with respect and dignity. Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED.

  74. In my opinion Dignity is that we should respect the workers and junior staff. who works for us and helps us . we should treat them in good ways. When dignity is absent people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort. They may lack confidence and be unable to make decisions for themselves. They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  75. Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of their diversity, as valued individuals.
    We can practice Dignity by treating everyone the same, treating everyone with respect and dignity. Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED.

  76. In my opinion giving respect and giving love to everyone makes our life dignified.As an individual we can make our life respectful by giving respect

  77. dignity means respect and love for each other.That is something dignity.In our daily life we can help each other by giving respects and love.In my opinion dignity means help the junior staff and we have to believe that people are more important than things

  78. Dignity is to give respect to people of lower caste or to those who are less pilgrimage.We should treat them equally and also respect those people who are mentally retarded.Dignity plays very vital rule in human lives.The world could be dignified if we treat richer and poor equally and should give people free to speak so that they could raise their opinions.

  79. In my opinion Dignity is to respect others whether they are rich or poor.We should respect the people who can not afford to live a dignified life so they could also feel special. A good person has many qualities like respectful,helpful and other deeds that a good person performs in his life.we should be honorful and respectful to or teachers and other inspirations.

  80. dignity means to gave respect to others and al humans. we should have dignity and self respect if dignity is present so people have control self respect and confidece we should love each other. dignity is very special for all humans...all peope should be treated equally....

  81. Dignity day is a day,where we respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way.We should not look at the conflicts,that are between us but live together with peace,love and respect.They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  82. n my opinion giving respect and giving love to everyone makes our life dignified.As an individual we can make our life respectful by giving respect

  83. A person needs help when in trouble that is dignity . the dignity is something in our life to help some one by giving some respect

  84. Dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others. To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of worth, in a way that is respectful of their diversity, as valued individuals.
    "What is Dignity day?
    its a sign of freed
    to freely breed
    It is Dignity day"

  85. It is a kind of freedom in which peoples feel comfortable and they can voice up their opponents freely

  86. Dignity is all about respect. The ones who give respect earn respect. That's why we should always agree and accept the decisions and choices of other people.

  87. Giving respect to others whoever it is.Have equality.Giving freedom to others.To listen to their points and use them in our lives. Do not do criticism. Everybody has its own respect. Its how we give them values.

  88. We should respect people of all ages whether they are rich.poor,big or small.

  89. Dignity is all about taking care and having respect for each other .

  90. we our all born equal and should have no cast ,because now people only watch their living standard and talk a simple fruit seller if he sees your car then he will tell you double price because now everyone talk only for money and that thing is letting us back

  91. dignity day is a day for selfrespect,selfdisclosure and the time for youth to speak for themselves.

  92. Dignity day teaches us respect and gives a chance to prove to everyone that they all deserve freedom and respect too.

  93. We should respect other, junior staff. peons and sweepers, as they are human being too. YOU SHOULD GIVE RESPECT TO EARN RESPECT.

  94. Our world can be dignified well. We can make our world dignified by giving respect to others as when we give respect we get respect!. We should help each other and we should care about everyone.Yes, our world can be dignified!

  95. Treat others the way you want your self to be treated.Seven thing which make life dignified are:

  96. Give love,respect and be helpful to others whether they are your friend or enemy .

  97. Dignity is all about self respect,equality and giving respect to others.

  98. Dignity means to grow a sense of community help, it means to be worthy of honour and respect.

  99. dignity means taking care of all people and living a happy life

  100. Dignity day is a day,where we respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way.We should not look at the conflicts,that are between us but live together with peace,love and respect.They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  101. The mission of Global Dignity is to implement the universal right of every human being to lead a dignified life. We all have the ability to increase the dignity of others and thus we increase our own dignity.The dignity day is all about helping each other .
    If we give respect to other and be helpful to others ; others will also give respect to us.

  102. dignity day is for respect ,but this not mean that you have to respect only on dignity day ,you have to make sure that every day is dignity day and you have to respect for everyone

  103. we should give respect to needy people and our junior staff.

  104. dignity day is about self respect and should not misbehave with other and respect every one

  105. In my opinion, a person can be dignified by respecting others, giving them freedom, following rules and regulations and helping each other.

  106. Dignity means to give respect to others and give the people their rights. We should give rights to the people who can not live a dignifined life and in my opinion Dinity day is a respectfull day. We all humans are equall and we should support those people who are very poor and those who are a need of money.

  107. dignity is a day in which we give respects to other every one is equal no one is good or bad .dignity means being polite, caring respectful, thought fell , wrathful, being valued & being well knowed

  108. we should respect people who are not enough wealthy and to poor people's. we should give respect and gain respect.

  109. Dignity Principles:

    The concept of global dignity includes the following five principles:

    Every human being has a right to lead a dignified life.

    A dignified life means an opportunity to fulfill one’s potential, which is based on having a human level of health care, education, income and security.

    Dignity means having the freedom to make decisions on one’s life and to be met with respect for this right.

    Dignity should be the basic guiding principle for all actions.

    Ultimately, our own dignity is interdependent with the dignity of others.

  110. In my opinion Dignity is that we should respect the workers and junior staff. who works for us and helps us . we should treat them in good ways. When dignity is absent people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort. They may lack confidence and be unable to make decisions for themselves. They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.

  111. dignity day is in which you respect others like poor people and gain respect . we should not only respect people on a specific day but we should respect people each and every day.

  112. I do not go in favor to the dignity day because why we are celebrating it only one day? If we have a lot of respect to others then we should respect them every day... So we should give respect to our junior staff.

  113. n my opinion Dignity is that we should respect the workers and junior staff. who works for us and helps us . we should treat them in good ways. we should make them feel very special .We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

  114. in my sense dignity day is a like of true love to all the people who are rich or poor. so we should love and help to all the people . :) <3

  115. Alas, we live in an era largely bereft of dignity. We inhabit instead a world of shabby entertainment, of nasty and non serious politics. (I assume that I need cite no examples.)

  116. Our world can be dignified well. We can make our world dignified by giving respect to others as when we give respect we get respect!. We should help each other and we should care about everyone.

  117. Dignity day is a day,where we respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way.We should not look at the conflicts,that are between us but live together with peace,love and respect.In a day and age where there is so much conflict in the world (between cultures, religions, generations,classes, and more) there is a great need for broad agreement on something unifying, something that encourages and even grows a sense of community. That something is Dignity!We should follow these perspectives everyday,not only one day.

  118. As to my point of view the dignity means to give love to people and the human beings.........we think that god has created a good ming to save the planet and the dignified people..........I think we should have a respect,love & a good care for our own people our muslims

  119. Global Dignity Day 2013 builds upon the great success of last year’s event during which 350.000 young people participated across 50 countries. Young Global Leaders and other volunteers organized events in an effort to instill and inspire a new, more positive, inclusive and interconnected value proposition in students for their lives as they grow into adulthood.

    This event is a global demonstration of the inspirational and inclusive power of dignity. Get ready for Global Dignity Day 2013! (;

  120. In my opinion, a person can be dignified by respecting others, giving them freedom, following rules and regulations and helping each other.The dignity day is all about helping each other. If we give respect to other and be helpful to others ; others will also give respect to us.

  121. Dignity is something which we should follow everyday not on any particular day. We should respect every person & bring equality.

  122. Well,in my opinion if we feel that we are dignified so we should respect everyone including people from low class till high.....the European countries have broght this tradition in us that we have a specified day for showing our gratitude towards other..............!

  123. Dignity day is a day,where we respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way.We should not look at the conflicts,that are between us but live together with peace,love and respect.They may feel humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. Dignity applies equally to those who have capacity and to those who lack it.Dignity means freedom and everyone should have freedom to live their lives with happiness and joy.

  124. in my sense dignity day is for the love ones the people who are poor and we should respect the junior people who help us and lead us so we should also even help the junior staff and love them and care for them

  125. Dignity day is a day,where we respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way.Dignity is often used in proscriptive and cautionary ways: for example in politics it is usually used to critique the treatment of oppressed and vulnerable groups and peoples, but it has also been extended to apply to cultures and sub-cultures, religious beliefs and ideals, animals used for food or research, and plants.

  126. dignity is something you appreciate some respected man or women and makes u like big celebrity in your life............!!!

  127. dignity means giving respect to ever people like poor and etc.... it mean we should treat people the way we are like to be treated . we should not respect people on specific day but we should respect people every day. we should give every body there rights, we should give respect to people to gain respect from them .

  128. in my opinion we can make a life dignified by respecting every one and treat those or we can say treat everyone the same way with love respect and loyality. as an idividual we can we can practice dignity through respecting and loving every one but not for only a day but for the whole life and make this place a happier and a better place to live for every one

  129. we ca share our happiness with each other and life can be dignified by helping each others and think of them like family, we can use dignity in activities such as politics to help people who are under poverty and those who are suppressed by the people who are powerful than them

  130. as for me everyday is dignity day everyone has a right to live equally and get respect.as muslims we should give respect love and care to everyone.no one is inferior or superior to anyone.

  131. It is our responsiblitie that we should respect others even he is a rich or poor man

  132. Every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, each person’s life and dignity must be respected, whether that person is an innocent unborn child in a mother’s womb, whether that person worked in the World Trade Center or a market in Baghdad, or even whether that person is a convicted criminal on death row. We believe that every human life is sacred from conception to natural death, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it protects and respects the life and dignity of the human person.

    1. as dignified people we should respect and appreciate everyone,whose around us helping us in any way. we should appreciate everyone,who around us helping us in any way.

  133. In my opinion we should respect our elders,juniors and those who are poor and who that cannot think of getting education from such highly ranked schools. This is our responsibility to donate big amounts to poor people who need such things that we have . so it's our goal to help them so that they could also live a life like us. And we should never disrespect them and we should never say them that they are lower class than us. And this is proved That Allah sees us equal in his eyes.

  134. We should respect everyone and gain respect also as everyone is equal in god's eye

  135. Dignity means,an opportunity to fullfill potential which is based on having a human level of health care.Education income and security.Each person on earth should be treated equally,as everyone is created by one God,and we all believe him.

  136. In my opinion dignity day is for everyone and everyone has the right to live equally and we should respect our elders and we should also help the poor people. This is our responsibility to donate big amounts of money from which the poor people can live easily and can fulfill their needs.

  137. we should spread happiness all over the youth and are juniors and seniors for the sake of respect. we should help the need the needy ones and orphans , widow, workers etc for the help when we are stuck in ant other difficulties in our entire life .

  138. Respect given from one person to another.A dignified life means an opportunity to fulfill one's potential.We can practice dignity by respecting and taking care of the world.

  139. In a day and age where there is so much conflict in the world there is a great need for broad agreement on something unifying, something that encourages and even grows a sense of community. That something is dignity.

  140. Giving Respect or Gaining Respect from others make a Life DIGNIFIED. As an individual we can dignify our life by giving respect to those who are poor and can not effort things like we do have. We should donate things to make the world dignify and can gain respect by respecting others

  141. aly muhammad salim valliani9 October 2013 at 11:43

    dignity means the self respect we gain from others. we all have a respect reputation in our societies. we should not only take respect from others, we also should give them respect as everyone's equal in front of god's eyes.

  142. in my opinion we should respect poor people as they dont have enough money to get educated.
    we should not only respect them only on this day every day there should be dignity.
    in Gods eye every one is equal so we should treat them equally.

  143. Dignity means the freedom to make decisions on once life and to be met with respect for the rights. Ultimately our own dignity is interdependent,with the dignity of the others.Every human being has a right to led dignified life.

  144. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.

  145. we all are born equal in the eyes of god. as dignifiedpeople we should respetct and appreciate every one rich, poor, old or young

  146. In my opinion Dignity day is for every human being...& we should give respect/rights to everyone...& fulfill their needs.

  147. in my opinion we can make a life dignified by respecting every one and treat those or we can say treat everyone the same way with love respect and loyality . We should treat others as the way we want to be treated. We should give respect to everyone around us.

  148. A life is dignified when we help other .We need to give respect to others whether they are rich or poor.If we give respect to others, they will do the same for us.In my opinion each and everyday is dignity day as we all our created by God therefor it is our responsibility and duty that we live equally, especially in crucial times.For those who cant afford anything we must never disrespect them.

  149. we should respect every one and every one is equal in the eyes of god.

  150. in my opinion we should respect everyone and behave well to them on this day this day means to realize that we should respect eachother and help poor people as much as we can.

  151. Dignity means to grow a sense of community help, it means to be worthy of honour and respect.We can practise HUSTLE LOYALTY RESPECT and we should treat people with respect no matter he is maid, guard,driver.

  152. In my opinion we should respect poor people as they dont have enough money to get educated.
    we should not only respect them only on this day every day there should be dignity.
    in Gods eye every one is equal so we should treat them equally.

  153. “One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”

  154. Dignity means to respect every one, we should respect every one and every one is equal in the eyes of god.

  155. I think that we should give love to those people and with respect not to make them feel about it."A celebrated people lose dignity upon a closer view".

  156. We all have a right to live a dignified life.Everyone is equal and we have equal rights so everyone should be treated fairly.We should respect,honor and keep discipline in our society. We should all unite and work together giving rights to each other.We should never treat anyone badly because we all are ONE.

  157. A life is dignified when we help other .We need to give respect to others whether they are rich or poor.If we give respect to others, they will do the same for us.In my opinion each and everyday is dignity day as we all our created by God therefor it is our responsibility and duty that we live equally, especially in crucial times.For those who cant afford anything we must never disrespect them.

  158. I think dignity day is a very special day to respect and honor the people who are not as good as us, who are physically or mentally challenged, or those who can not afford to live a luxurious life like us. on this day we can make them feel that they are not less and are equal to everyone.

  159. Dignity isn't something you give, it's is something you take as well.Every life deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter how poor or damaged the shell that carries it.To believe that what has not occurred in history will not occur at all, is to argue disbelief in the dignity of man.No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

  160. In my opinion Dignity is to respect others whether they are rich or poor.

  161. Dignity is not about taking but giving,its about love not hate. Dignity is all about justice not injustice. While treating someone think about how you want others to treat you and then treat people in the same way. We all are born equal and have got the right to lead a dignified life. Color,race,religion or other sort of differences doesn't matter,we all should respect each other."No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
    -Booker T. Washington

  162. Dignity isn't something you give, it's is something you take as well.Every life deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter how poor or damaged the shell that carries it.To believe that what has not occurred in history will not occur at all, is to argue disbelief in the dignity of man.No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.

  163. dignity day is a day when we give honor to others for their hard work and appreciate them.We should give the respect to them. I like that beacon house has got so many good students which are appreciated by us and the others. students of beacon house school system have got talent and Inshallah these students would lead beaconhouse to the top as the no.1 school in the world! Inshallah!

  164. Dignity is to respect and honor the underprivileged people and to make them feel equal.

  165. dignity is the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.I believe colour ,race or religion doesn't matter ..you should treat people as you wish to be treated , weather he or she is a mate or a lawyer ,you should respect and treat them equally.

  166. dignity is giving respect and honor to a person 's hard work and gaining respect :)
    dignity is respecting ur elders and luving ur youngers and leading them to the right path.its about equality & treating each other equally.To treat the poor,the rich,the jobless , the one with the jobs EQUAL !!! ;)

  167. Happy global dignity day to all the persons in the world.dignity is respecting ur elders and giving them respect.Everyone is equal.

  168. In my opinion dignified life is a life in which you have your own rights and responsibilities... we can practice dignity in our lives by respect everyone and giving full rights to every one in the school. :)

  169. dignity means giving honor and respect to those people who devoted their lives for our betterment, who help us a lot and fulfill our every needs, this day is an appreciation to them about their hard work and contribution, they can be teachers, maids, junior staff or your parents. This day is to give respect.

  170. Giving equal respect to everyone , whether he is rich or poor, makes not just ours but theirs life dignified too :) We can practice dignity by giving equal respect to everyone .. BY helping everyone the same .. We should treat them the way we want to be treated , this will make make not just just or world but others world shape too .. :) :)

  171. Dignity means to respect others equally and giving honour to the ones who are unprivileged and make them feel comfortable in the society. its all about treating each other equally whether they are rich or poor

  172. dignity means to give respect to others.it also tells us about honor and equality.dignity is that when we give honor to people on their hard work! in dignity standard, color or face never matters!! you should give respect them.treat nicely and bring equality:) if there will be equality everywhere everyone will feel comfortable!its all about treating equally whether he/she is rich our poor!

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. Global Dignity Day is celebrated world wide, and people who love us and help us in our daily life, dignity is a feeling that everyone has and we should help them and celebrate this day to be a respectful day

  175. dignity day is celebrated all across the world to remind everyone about the rights of people...dignity means to give respect to everyone and to have equality amongst the living generation,
    dignity is applied in our daily life by loving, respecting and caring about our..................................................
    "samag nehi a rehi or kya likhun"

  176. dignity teaches us to be honest, and responsible for the people working hard for us and we shouldn't make any joke of their feelings. We should respect them.

  177. Dignity Day, the day which is for everyone. No one is big or small here, everyone is equal. I believe all humanity is born with certain rights. As a child of Hazrat Adam, no one's rights are denied by any majority, thier rights are because they exist. Rights were given to me and each of me fellow citizens by our creator, and they represent the essence of human dignity. I've heard somewhere, that “Be strong. Live honorably and with dignity. When you don't think you can, hold on.” I agree to it completely and have an advice for u all..... Have a blessed day and start your day with justice and respect for everyone..!!!

  178. Happy dignity day to every one in this world. Dignity is for giving respect to all the people and gain respect.

  179. dignity means to respect elders and to make them realize that they are as equal as a normal human being. To give respect after all their help and devoting their time to us.

  180. Another word for dignity is respect.Every one in this world has a right to lead a dignified life.Everybody has a right to be highly respected.Celebrating DIGNITY DAY gives a chance to all of the young people to respect each other and to help/care about each other.

  181. One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered.

  182. Shazaib anwer kapadia9 October 2013 at 12:38

    We need to know and respect ourselves before we can respect the dignity of others.We need to be aware of the impact of ourselves on others – and vice verse. We need to be able to provide care that takes account of the beliefs and values of others that are very different from our own.

    dignity day is the day in which we celebrate earth day and clean the earth and we say this thing to every one

  184. dignity means honour,equality,love,friendship,respect,care and trust. we should treat people equally if they are poor or rich.we should respect our elders.Dignity does not consist in possessing honours but in deserving them

  185. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence

  186. Dignity is something which is everyone's right and is deserved by all humans though rich or poor. everyone is equal in this world and each and every person needs to have dignity as it is a symbol of respect and honor.

  187. dignity is all about love friendship,humanity and trust.in this world every one is considered equal.we should never hurt people feeling.we should never make people feel that they are different from us

  188. dignity all means about giving respect to the ones who don't out match and not making them feel that they are not as equal as others that's why we should give equal respects to others and respect elders
