Saturday 28 April 2012

Science Exhibition @ Sadequain Art Gallery - We are LIVE

We are at the Science Exhibition, held at Sadequain Art Gallery. The science Exhibition has been organised by AEIRC COWA ( City Owner Welfare Organization ) and its a competition of making 3D models and illustrated posters. The science Exhibition is going wonderfully well. A number of schools have participated in it and are displaying their art works. Our School, the Beaconbhouse Middle PECHS have worked really hard for the exhibition and made different 3d projects for the exhibition. The main focus of visitors on our stall is on our project on Anatomy and physiology of Kidney. Its a 3d model of Kidney and our students are presenting it quite nicely. The visitors around are appreciating the students work quite heavily. Now lets take their comments live  . . . 

  • What did you like the most in the presentation?
  • Was the presentation informative for you?
  • Kindly rate the presentation from the range 1 - 5.
( 1. Excellent, 2. Very good, 3. Good, 4. Satisfactory, 5. Unsatisfactory)

"3rd PRIZE to Beaconhouse Middle PECHS"

It's a pleasure to announce that Beaconhouse Middle PECHS have won 3rd Prize in the Science Exhibition held at Sadequain Art Gallery by IERC COWA. A very warm congratulations to all the teachers and students who have made it count specially Fiza Nadeem, Mustafa Pervez, Rafay Jameel, Abdul Rafay Khan, Ali Moazzam, Adnan Anwer, Mustafa Asif and Ferwa Mahmud. 

Thanks to the science teachers for their guidance and support in the project. It's always a team effort and our team has done it again. Really Proud of you students... Good Job !!!

Friday 20 April 2012



We are celebrating “The Earth Day” in school today, i.e. 20th of April 2012. The whole school is taking part in it quite enthusiastically. Students have worked on different projects in order to bring awareness about this great day. Everyone in the school including the students, teachers, staff and management are working really hard on it and are putting their efforts really nicely to celebrate the day. Now it’s time for you to share your bit with us. 

·         What are the activities that you have performed / Participated on Earth Day.?

·         What Changes do you think has it instilled in you?

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Chemical Reactions

Grade VII's have performed different experiments in order to show simple chemical reactions. Look at the following videos and appraise their efforts.

Hot Air Experiment

Pepsi and Mint Reaction

Black Pepper and Detergent Reaction

Vinegar with Sodium Bi Carbonate . . .

An excellent way to learn simple chemical reaction with the use of normal routine home usage items. Amazing Work Students ! ! ! Keep it up . . .

Monday 16 April 2012


Earth Day is a day on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. BSS Middle School PECHS Students have also planned to celebrate the Earth Day on the 20th of April 2012 and the Whole school is enthusiastically taking part in it. Grade VI students and teachers are working on Recycling and making dustbins through waste cartons and stuff. Grade VII are doing the plantation with their teachers and they will plant hundreds of new seeds on the Earth Day too. Grade VIII are also working on some exciting projects. Overall its a great environment we have in the school. Everyone seems to be focused and motivated to do something good for the mother Earth. The enthusiasm, the Passion and the love of the students is quite visible and hopefully this Earth Day will bring positive change in many lives and it will give a new meaning to this day - The Earth Day.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Learning Globally - Connecting Classes Online Project

Connecting Classrooms Online is a school partnership project between global schools which works to build relationships between cultures, bring a globalised context into school education and contribute to national reforms in teacher education and school leadership. We Middle PECHS also worked under this umbrella and successfully completed a connecting Classroom Online project.

Science teacher Afshan Rupsi initiated this project with a group of 10 students of class VIII selected a topic “health and Hygiene" related to their curriculum, registered on platforms “iEARN” and “EPAL” global community to achieve their targets. The registration was followed by searching a global partner school working on the same topic “health and Hygiene”. We collaborated with three International Schools simultaneously to share our project. Iqra Bilingual Academy of Dakar (Senegal) ,  Kadi Ayad Junior High School from Morocco and American School of Singapore from Singapore.

Students used series of Skype sessions, emails and forums to communicate with the students of other international schools to share their plans and progress of ongoing work. BSS Middle PECHS Students in collaboration with other students of different Schools conducted a series of activities mentioned below under the umbrella of Health and Hygiene.

Introduction, Sharing of plans, Skype session by an international Doctor to make our students topic Masters, Survey, Health Awareness posters, banners, Badges, skits, podcasts, videos, Parental session, Teaching proper hand washing techniques to students, March, Healthy eating day, cleaning of school areas, improvising school canteen hygiene by providing gloves and caps, Sweeper duty roasters, Providing covered dustbins and much more.

Finally compiling all the efforts done by the Schools, in a form of PowerPoint presentation, to be uploaded on iearn. Students really enjoyed the new way of learning by sharing globally.






Another Vshine star is with us now - Ayan Rehman of VI H. Ayan Rehman has got good writing skills. He read the story of LOCHNESS MONSTER on VSHINE written by our little shinning star Shafaq Mansoor and he got inspired and this self motivation has made him write a story too. PIRATE RUMBLE is the title of his story - an excellently crafted story. Ayan Rehman made his own page on the Vshine International Magazine website and posted the story over there and guess what! He is one of the March 2012 winners of the magazine. Well done Ayan Rehman and keep it up ! ! !
About Vshine: is the largest children web portal, currently launched in three languages i.e. English, Arabic and Urdu. The website contains online games, interesting activities, stories, poems, jokes, discussion forum, and of course the Monthly V SHINE International Magazine. Monthly V SHINE is an international children magazine and has gained popularity among the children across the world with its rich content and authentic information.

Read the story: Click Here