Wednesday 7 March 2012


Well what a fabulous week it was. The students of BSS Middle PECHS have organized Health Week in the school for their "Connecting Classes Online Project" and for that they have made surveys, ran health awareness campaigns, made documentaries, recorded songs, held presentation sessions for parents and what not. I must say, it was a great learning experience for the students, teachers and parents. The students with their efforts have reminded us that we do not need to look for resources all the time in order to bring change in the society. Sometimes a few small steps can make it happen and the students have really proved it. I must say, the students have done really a great job in order to bring awareness about Health & Hygiene. Now, Since the students have done a lot of work in the health week, so I'll keep putting their work here, but for now, just listen to this great song on Health & Hygiene by Rafay Jameel of Grade VIII. Amazing Song... Great job Rafay Jameel - It's a must Listen song!!!

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Rafay Jameel - Song on Health & Hygiene

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