Monday 27 February 2012

Star Green Angel - Mahnoor Jawed

Green living association organized a quiz competition to create awareness regarding the benefits of green living and to reinforce the concept of an environment-friendly lifestyle.

Mrs. Afshan Fayyaz (Headmistress) giving away shield and prize to Mahnoor Jawed.

267 students participated in the competition. Amongst all, we are proud to announce that Mahnoor Javed of Class VII has been recently awarded as a “Star Green Angel". Besides the Title she was also awarded with a shield, certificate and a gift hamper of 19 inch LCD. Well Done Mahnoor ! ! !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good Mahnoor, i never knew that our branch have such wonderful and genius kids like you!!!!!

  3. Congratulation Mahnoor!! keep it up!!

  4. It was a miracle to see that anyone from or branch won a prize

  5. keep the good work mahnoor and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
