Monday 27 February 2012

Balance and Measuring through Abstract ART . . .

A paper marbling activity was conducted with class six students for their art class. The objective was to create a wall hanging by marbling their own sheets of paper and creating shapes with intricate designs to hang off a wire.

The students created exceptional abstract style mobiles, they used letter and shapes to create cohesive wall hangings. Students also modeled the wires in different ways to further enhance the work. During the activity students figured out ways to further advance the technique and created unimaginable designs.

Star Green Angel - Mahnoor Jawed

Green living association organized a quiz competition to create awareness regarding the benefits of green living and to reinforce the concept of an environment-friendly lifestyle.

Mrs. Afshan Fayyaz (Headmistress) giving away shield and prize to Mahnoor Jawed.

267 students participated in the competition. Amongst all, we are proud to announce that Mahnoor Javed of Class VII has been recently awarded as a “Star Green Angel". Besides the Title she was also awarded with a shield, certificate and a gift hamper of 19 inch LCD. Well Done Mahnoor ! ! !

Monday 20 February 2012

The Annual Sports Day 2012

A spectacular Sports Gala was organized by the sports teachers of Beaconhouse Middle PECHS; Mr. Muhammad Amir and Ms. Humaira Mahmood at ‘NCC Ground’ Karachi. The program began with an impressive Walk Past on the tune played by the school band followed by beautiful Gymnastic and Taekwondo display. The perfect coordination amongst students received loud applause from the thrilled parents and guests.

Students participated in a variety of races and won medals. The Aaj TV sports correspondent and the former cricketer Mr. Moeen Khan graced the occasion with his presence. Medals were given to the winners and a house trophy was awarded to the most medal winner Blue house.

 AAJ TV Exclusive Coverage of Annual Sports Day 2012

Monday 13 February 2012


This week marks a very important observance at the Beaconhouse Middle School PECHS. The students are celebrating HEALTH WEEK at school . This initiative encourages students to follow simple but important steps toward a better all-around health – from head to toe, and passing through the ears. Students are running campaigns, recording songs, collecting funds and taking interviews in order to create awareness of the importance of Health and Hygiene. We will tell you more about it at the end of this activity. so stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff about Health Week.

Friday 10 February 2012

A Step towards Students Centered Learning . . .

January 23rd, 2012 was a different morning with a promising future. The teachers at Middle School PECHS have always aimed to provide their students with an everlasting experience of the real world. This day our students enthusiastically participated in the "Spotting Activity" planned by the Science teachers of grade VII. The students actively indulged in classifying animals according to their characteristics.

The students not only achieved the objective of the lesson but also contributed towards the positive learning environment by bringing their own animals and displayed zeal of community development. After completing the task students actively posted comments on the spotting wall on

Yet another step towards CONTEMPORIZED CLASSES

Nothing could be more dignifying for a school than being able to produce self sufficient and inventive students; and our students have made us feel the glory and pride recurrently. The fish Bowl activity is just another example of our students' willingness to learn and their excellent management of group dynamics. Beaconites at Middle PECHS are shown here working in large, yet extremely vigorous groups led by leaders from within them. These groups held discussions that mark the beginning of their endevours to produce their very own DOCUMENTARIES on social as well as educational issues.

Shown in the pictures are groups led by Ahsan Mohammad, Ally Abdullah Zafar, Khurram Sultan Khan, Alina Nagi, Gohar SaqibFazal, Ahmed Salik, Wania Mazhar and Aateka Vaseer. Each member has contributed to the discussion but is also busy in playing their part for producing remarkable and worth watching documentaries.

Thursday 9 February 2012


Saleha Qureshi at the airport with other participants.

Saleha Qureshi, a student of Grade VIII, Middle PECHS participated in the 6th International Qatar Sailing Competition that took place in Doha from 7th - 10th October, 2011. She was a part of the seven member team representing Pakistan in the competition.

The sailing team included participants from Qatar, UAE, Holland, Myanmar, Iran and Kazakhstan. Saleha performed stupendously and not only outdid all the girls from Pakistan but a number of boys as well. Saleha was selected by the Pakistan Youth Sailing Association to represent Pakistan in this event. Saleha secured the 24th position out of 48 participants in this competition.

This event was a challenge for all the participants and helped build their confidence and self-esteem.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Karachi Heritage and Transparency Wall

The historical buildings in various large and small towns of our country are of great importance due to their specific architectural character. Therefore, these buildings need to protected and preserved. Karachi heritage and transparency wall, a joint initiative of the heritage foundation and transparency international-Pakistan is a programme that is designed to create awareness among students regarding their rich cultural heritage.

                                                      Students working on heritage wall

Twenty of the most talented students were selected, these students were briefed on the project and they showed their excitement by coming up with various ideas. Students were asked to project their ideas through different techniques like collage, painting, sketches, and 3D style models. Students came up with ideas which depicted their culture such as trucks, the Empress Market building, and Mohatta palace. These drawings were displayed on two boards of 4"x8", a total size of 8 x 8 ft. These boards were put up in the Quaid-e-Azam museum. All the participants received a shield and certificates from The Heritage Foundation.


The students have learned about fractions through a fun filled hands on activity where they brought different items including cakes, pizzas, candies, fruits etc and they learnt about equivalent fractions, improper fraction and mixed number.

The students were divided in four groups and they presented their work in different forms. A group of students have made a song on fractions and recorded it as well. Overall it was a nice and fun filled way to learn mathematical fractions.  
Song on Mathematical Fractions - VI

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Video Conferencing through SKYPE

Knowledge can be grasped from everywhere. We do not restrict our pupils from learning from teachers and books only, but also involve expert opinion when needed.
When it came to VIII graders to learn about viral, bacterial and fungal diseases, we realized that it was best to have a doctor on board who could give the clearest possible idea of the subject and who better could it be than Dr. Darakhshan Shamsie, specialist in Internal Medicine, geriatric and Palliative care in upstate Rochester New York and another 4th year medical student Fizza Mahmud at Queens College New York.

Slide show of Video Conferencing / Skype Session.

Both the experts enlightened the students with valuable information on diseases. It was a one to one video conferencing session through Skype in which the students asked various questions to the experts in real time. This session further enhanced the student’s knowledge of the causes, symptoms and preventions of the various diseases.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Beaconhouse Middle School PECHS - Movie Clip

 Beaconhouse Middle School PECHS

The video is all about teaching and learning at Beaconhouse Middle School PECHS and it shows a few of the activities and events held in the school.